
A partnership for the empowerment of children!

SERniña and Sueños

"After attending the March event (2022) where I met the newest leaders of SERniña, an organisation that Sueños had been hoping to partner with for several years, we were able to arrange a meeting within a few weeks and finalize a partnership. Since the beginning of September 2022, SERniña has been working with our 10-14 year old students, visiting Sueños twice a week for two hours each day to implement their SERniña and SERniño program".

Educational exchanges by the lake!

Pequeños Ángeles de María and La Puerta Abierta

During a retreat for members of El Directorio Guatemala, representatives from La Puerta Abierta Atitlán and Asociación Pequeños Ángeles de María (Little Angels of Mary) began dreaming about the idea of institutional visits, after realizing that their programs focused on the education of children in their communities had much in common.

In May 2023, the directors of Little Angels of Mary along with a group of their visitors from the University of Texas traveled from San Lucas Sacatepequez to Santiago Atitlan to visit the facilities of La Puerta Abierta! They spent a morning sharing and learning about their programs, and their head preschool teacher had the opportunity to see and experience firsthand how La Puerta Abierta engages with the students at their educational center. 

"The exchange was delightful: lots of sharing and learning on both sides," said the Executive Director of La Puerta Abierta. We love it!

Supporting through mental health

Casa Pa'nibal, Tejiendo Futuros and Amigos de Santa Cruz

After meeting at the El Directorio Guatemala Networking Event in April 2022, Casa Pa'nibal and Tejiendo Futuros worked together to bring the psychologist from Tejiendo Futuros 'Familias Fortalecidas' program to Casa Pa'nibal to provide counseling on psychological care for victims of violence, in order to support the women and children victims of violence living at Casa Pa'nibal.

Tejiendo Futuros also reconnected with Amigos de Santa Cruz after the networking event, and the psychologist from their integral health program provided the workshop 'Emotional Intelligence in the Work Environment' to their team.

This is just one success story showing the potential when we encourage active participation and networking in our community!