Our Impact

Review our 2024 Strategic Plan here.

Learn about all our activities and achievements in 2023 in our Annual Report here!

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Networking Events

In person events

Two Allies, One Goal: Sexual and Reproductive Health

Wings Guatemala and Manos Abiertas

“Personally, as Program Director for Alas de Guatemala, the Networking Event (2023) was my first opportunity to meet the organizations of the Board of Directors, and to participate in a network activity, so it was very impressive to see the number of organizations, our similarities and complementarities.

Wings Guatemala and Manos Abiertas already knew each other and worked collaboratively within the department of Sacatepéquez, in the line of referring patients to the clinics of both institutions that complement each other in services, however this relationship flows more at operational levels, and with all the activities and complexity, we had not had a good catch up between Directions for a long time. But I met Hanna (Manos Abiertas) in this Networking Event and we were able to have a broad conversation about the new routes and strategies that we are taking within our institutions, and we realized that we have visions and projects that can be aligned, in addition to growth plans that also complement each other, so as a result of this meeting we have diversified our collaboration in this way: We coordinate no longer only at the Sacatepéquez level but already with other departments, references to services of both organizations, we also share common challenges in the operation, we share the weight and collectively think of possible paths. Finally, we have been involved in the seed of a project focused on sexual and reproductive health at the Latin American level."

Together, we multiply the impact! Joining forces for a better Guatemala.