Peronia Adolescente is an association legally constituted in 2004, working for a fairer reality for Guatemala. It facilitates spaces of integral formation, using games, art and alternative sports, promoting leadership and volunteering of adolescents and young people of scarce resources who are vulnerable in Ciudad Peronia.
A non-profit association with a humanistic spirit. Founded in 2013, our work focuses are the prevention of violence, the process of transformation of lives, community development to improve the quality of life, and promoting the defense of equality and human rights.
The Foundation was created in 1996, in the context of the struggle of the survivors of the Rio Negro/Rabinal massacre, to build paths of hope for future generations, especially for the Mayan Achi people.
Chajulense Mayan Association (AMACHAJUL) AMACHAJUL is a Guatemalan Mayan Ixil non-profit organization located in Chajul, Guatemala. The Ixil region is a post-conflict community that suffered an ethical cleansing during the 36-year internal armed conflict. Schools were closed for 36 years. Today there is deep poverty and few opportunities for women and girls to break out of the cycle.
Sueños is a non-profit organization focused on stopping the cycle of child labor through community-centered education for preschool and elementary school students in Antigua, Guatemala.
Association dedicated to the welfare of the inhabitants of the country, for children, youth and people interested in self-improvement and development, the Association for Integral Development Tzanjuyub' (ADIT). Settled as an Association of civil nature, non-profit, whose purposes are eminently scientific and socio-cultural, consisting of young people, women and men. It contributes on its own initiative or when requested, in the facilitation and search for solutions to local, departmental, regional and national problems.
An association of families guided by the Parent Board in association with the Liaison of Funds.
We are a non-profit organization that works with programs and projects for the benefit of Guatemalan children and youth. The areas we work in are education, health, nutrition, recreation and environment.
ACD Guatemala (Asociación para la creatividad y el desarrollo de Guatemala) is a non-profit organization operating in Western Guatemala. Our mission is to serve children and families exposed to vulnerable conditions, violence and irregular migration in rural and complex areas of Guatemala. Our headquarters are located in Quetzaltenango.
We focus on education, development, medical and spiritual care, helping children and adolescents engage in life purpose, healthy relationships and participation to experience community growth.
Founded by Guatemalan film director Jayro Bustamante, Fundación Ixcanul was born in 2018 with the mission of activating social transformation and the defense of human rights through bold, plural and committed cinema and the strengthening of the film industry in Guatemala and the region.
Our cinema and our actions and programs are based on a clear vision: cinema, in addition to being a space for enjoyment and creation, is a powerful means to transform the lives of people and societies.
Ocote is a media outlet founded in Guatemala and led mainly by women, which, from diverse perspectives, engages in journalism in dialogue with culture and thought in order to promote reflection, conversation and encounters among Central American citizens. It has a mixed sustainability model and is legally constituted as a non-profit association (Asociación Ocote) and a company (Agencia Ocote, S.A.).
We are an organization that works through the library, carrying out various cultural and social activities with the inhabitants of the community as well as with the educational community, with the service of access to information and technology.
Sonidos Para La Vida is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote the practice of a musical instrument in children and youth with limited resources or at risk, as a means of prevention and as a means of creating better opportunities in the lives of all these children and youth. We provide study programs of different musical instruments, as well as musical instruments themselves, so that children and youth have free access to these resources and thus can progress in their study.
We create artistic works that generate reflection based on the need to address social issues that are little discussed, in alternative spaces, bringing them to audiences with little access to a theatrical experience.
Since its creation, Artistas Trabajando has been clear in working under the following strategic objectives:
Puerta de Esperanza was born in the heart of a Guatemalan woman who saw the need to accompany the lives of working children in a somewhat forgotten sector of the city, the terminal market, where food is plentiful, but not exactly for them.
Puerta de Esperanza is a space of opportunities that makes children and adolescents know new horizons, expanding their ability to dream and fight for their dreams.
A cooperative of mostly moms in San Antonio AC that make products from recycled hand woven Guatemalan textiles. Providing the an opportunity to enhance their income.
Fotokids has served nearly a thousand at risk children affected by poverty and violence for over 32 years. Currently Fotokids is working with 100 young people from Guatemala. Our organization provide vocational training and educational schoolarships from primary through university.
Tikal Canal facilitates volunteer led workshops in San Felipe de Jesus, Tzununa La Laguna, and Nebaj, Quiché.
Colectiva Las Ninas de Guatemala is a feminist collective led by artists who use art as a tool for social change.
We are a nonprofit organization helping independent Spanish teachers in Guatemala. We are not a Spanish language school.
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