ENTREMUNDOS fosters and consolidates the capacities and competencies of local development organizations in Guatemala - respecting their values, ethics, principles, policies, strategies and work methodologies.
A non-profit association with a humanistic spirit. Founded in 2013, our work focuses are the prevention of violence, the process of transformation of lives, community development to improve the quality of life, and promoting the defense of equality and human rights.
We focus on the most vulnerable children by supporting them to break the cycle of poverty and leave this world a little better than we found it. Without being an organization with religious purposes, our work and our actions are inspired by the values of the Gospel and the Mayan culture.
As a fair trade organization, Sharing the Dream works with more than 20 groups of artisans around Guatemala, helping them to improve and sell their products. We operate an Elder Center in Santiago, where we provide meals, medical care, and care to more than 60 Maya elders. We also provide scholarships to a small group of promising students who must attend tutoring sessions, complete volunteer hours, and participate in reading activities in exchange for their scholarship.
ACD Guatemala (Asociación para la creatividad y el desarrollo de Guatemala) is a non-profit organization operating in Western Guatemala. Our mission is to serve children and families exposed to vulnerable conditions, violence and irregular migration in rural and complex areas of Guatemala. Our headquarters are located in Quetzaltenango.
We focus on education, development, medical and spiritual care, helping children and adolescents engage in life purpose, healthy relationships and participation to experience community growth.
We are a non-profit organization that works with programs and projects for the benefit of Guatemalan children and youth. The areas we work in are education, health, nutrition, recreation and environment.
We work in rural areas of Guatemala contributing in training focused on women and children, guaranteeing the availability of water, sanitation and hygiene.
ROMPIENDO LÍMITES -ASORO- was born from the initiative of people with and without disabilities, who joined forces to work with people with disabilities and their families, working in the department of Chiquimula, specifically in the municipalities of Jocotán, Camotán, Olopa and San Juan Ermita, which belong to the Chortí region and are located within the area recognized as the "Dry Corridor", as well as in Chiquimula, the capital.
CuéntaNos is an interactive platform that contributes to empowerment through access to information on different types of direct care provided by different governmental and civil society entities that make up a network. People in need of care can make decisions and obtain support tools. We contribute to the emotional recovery of people in crisis, through psychosocial care via chat.
Tikal Canal facilitates volunteer led workshops in San Felipe de Jesus, Tzununa La Laguna, and Nebaj, Quiché.
We have worked with families, communities and orphanages since 2005 to facilitates volunteer trips to serve for 1 week in Guatemala in the Solola area performing services for low income families & communities including building bunkbeds, playgrounds, homes & drilling wells.
CVG provides a space for articulation, development and promotion of voluntary activity in Guatemala. We bring together several institutions committed to volunteering, as a service to the communities and the development of the country from their own vocations and resources. We have been working in Guatemala since 2006 and we focus our activities on the formation of a Network of volunteer organizations and on the promotion of the national voluntary movement, through different activities.
Habitat for Humanity Guatemala helps low–income families improve their living conditions by building new homes and housing communities, stabilizing and improving existing houses, and offering affordable housing solutions such as smokeless stoves, water filters and basic sanitation services.
Fundación Familia Maya (FUNDAMAYA) was born from the vision of a group of indigenous Guatemalan, Australian, and American friends wanting to make a difference for those most in need. Now, more than 14 years later, we have an even greater desire to help the Guatemalan communities we call home.
The Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura (Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura - IMAP) is a non-profit organization based in Guatemala. It was founded in 2000 by a group of local people concerned about the serious environmental, social, political and cultural problems that affect Mesoamerican communities.
We have established an education center where we promotes the teaching of Permaculture techniques, the conservation of biodiversity, the production of seeds and vegetables in an organic way, and a seed bank that fights for the rescue of the heritage of native seeds.
TECHO is an organization present in 19 Latin American countries, which seeks to overcome the situation of poverty that millions of people live in overcrowded and under resourced settlements, through the joint action of its inhabitants and volunteers.
We are a community of missionaries serving and living in low-income communities.
Trama Textiles is an association of artisan women backstrap loom weavers in Guatemala. We work directly with 400 women from 17 weaving cooperations across 5 regions in the western highlands of Guatemala; Sololá, Huehuetenango, Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango and Quiché.
Since 2009, LWH has nurtured an education ecosystem, connecting green construction, formal education, equitable international volunteerism, and active participation in 21st century problem-solving. Over the last decade, the LWH builders, staff, volunteers, and donors have transformed 550 tons of trash into a fully functioning K-11 school. In 2019, 77 K-6 students, 51 grade 7-11 students, 27 Teachers/Directors, and 9 builders were direct beneficiaries of CETC employment and education.
DiverArte Guatemala is a private, non-profit, apolitical, social-type Civil Association that promotes processes of artistic awareness, from the opening of spaces for the defense and promotion of human rights, with the purpose of contributing to the eradication of contexts of stigma and discrimination that are derived from behaviors of violence directed towards Guatemalan children, adolescents and youth.
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